"What do you love, O my flesh? What do you long for, O my soul? It is there; whatever you love, whatever you long for, it is there." - Anselm
I love words. Sometimes I read words so beautiful that I write them down just to look at them again. I read Anselm's "Proslogion" for my Intro. to Philosophy class. I loved it. I found it humbling, beautiful, and easy to relate to.
Anselm was a man who seemed to be desperate to understand and love God. Through his writing, I felt as if he was someone who was born with not just faith in God's existence, but also the knowledge of God's existence. I relate to this, perhaps in a strange way. I've always known the existence of God, but I have not always had faith in God.
Anselm was a man who seemed to be desperate to understand and love God. Through his writing, I felt as if he was someone who was born with not just faith in God's existence, but also the knowledge of God's existence. I relate to this, perhaps in a strange way. I've always known the existence of God, but I have not always had faith in God.
"...I do long to understand your truth in some way, your truth which my heart believes and loves. For, I do not seek to understand in order to believe; I believe in order to understand. For I also believe that "Unless I believe, I shall not understand." - Anselm
This part of the reading was where I found the most innocence in Anselm. It was his sincere plea to understand God. He admitted to not understand God, yet still believed in God while seeking this understanding. This is faith. This is the type of faith that surpasses all reason and logic because it is felt so deeply by the heart that it believes what it knows into existence.
This faith is truth to me. It is what I hope to always hold and acknowledge.
This faith is truth to me. It is what I hope to always hold and acknowledge.