A special kind of beauty exists which is born in language, of language and for language. - Gaston Bachelard
I have always been mesmerized by accents. I think hearing people with different accents speak is probably the coolest thing ever. Tampa is a fairly diverse city, but it doesn't have as much international appeal as some of the larger cities in the USA. Some of the common accents here are Hispanic accents(since we are so close to Puerto Rico and Cuba), American Southern accents and some American Northern accents(New York, Boston and others who were tired of the snow up there :)). Occasionally, I may get lucky and run into someone with a less common British, German, Slavic, Asian, Middle Eastern or Indian accent. Any accent is awesome though.
Whenever I meet someone with an accent, all I really want to do is keep asking questions so they'll keep talking. Lol. :)
I love how you bring your accent with you wherever you may go in the world. It sort of gives people a glimpse of where you're from and it's a part of who you are. Accents seem to be reminders of how big this world actually is. Reminders that not everyone grew up the way you did, gotten the chance to see what you've seen or know what you know. :)