Do you remember being little and having adults ask you, "What do you want to be when you grow up?" It's as if we had such clear-cut visions of who we wanted to become. The whole world was ours for the taking. "I'm going to be a doctor!" "I want to sing!" "When I grow up, I'm going to design rockets for NASA!" Your answer was so enthusiastic and it was a declaration of your dreams to the world. Whatever your answer may have been, it usually resulted in some form of an amused smile and hearing, "That's nice."
Now, being 24 years old, I can't help but desperately want to answer this question again. I would like to think if I knew the answer that I would shout it from the rooftops as if I were 8 years old again. :) "Hey, world! Listen up! I'm all grown up and I'm going to be a.......!" Haha.
There are many professions that I admire and find interesting, but I wonder if the right one is just supposed to tap me on the shoulder one day and say, "Hi, Diana. It's me - your destiny. Sorry I'm a little bit late, but I lost track of time. Here I am!" Lol. Wouldn't that be awesome?! Well, maybe it happens that way or kind of differently.... ;) But I guess we will always have changing dreams of what we will do and who we will become. Who is to say what we are destined for?
Also, growing up doesn't stop you from dreaming. I think that getting older makes you more susceptible to putting more value in your logic and reasoning than your passions though. It's good to be practical, but when you look back in history or even now to modern day success stories; it's not the practical or cautious figures we tend to admire. Sometimes I wonder if your fate is only revealed to you once you are willing to offer enough fire and passion into whatever it is that you think you want. Oh geez, I could talk in circles forever, lol, but I guess I will end this entry on that note. :)
Now, being 24 years old, I can't help but desperately want to answer this question again. I would like to think if I knew the answer that I would shout it from the rooftops as if I were 8 years old again. :) "Hey, world! Listen up! I'm all grown up and I'm going to be a.......!" Haha.
There are many professions that I admire and find interesting, but I wonder if the right one is just supposed to tap me on the shoulder one day and say, "Hi, Diana. It's me - your destiny. Sorry I'm a little bit late, but I lost track of time. Here I am!" Lol. Wouldn't that be awesome?! Well, maybe it happens that way or kind of differently.... ;) But I guess we will always have changing dreams of what we will do and who we will become. Who is to say what we are destined for?
Also, growing up doesn't stop you from dreaming. I think that getting older makes you more susceptible to putting more value in your logic and reasoning than your passions though. It's good to be practical, but when you look back in history or even now to modern day success stories; it's not the practical or cautious figures we tend to admire. Sometimes I wonder if your fate is only revealed to you once you are willing to offer enough fire and passion into whatever it is that you think you want. Oh geez, I could talk in circles forever, lol, but I guess I will end this entry on that note. :)
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